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Author Topic: URL structure with the CNAME


Posts: 12

Post URL structure with the CNAMEon: October 21, 2011, 07:31

Do I end up with this URL structure with the CNAME record, for the Sky-High plan?

or is it something like this:




Posts: 34

Post Re: URL structure with the CNAMEon: October 21, 2011, 07:41

It seems to me that you want 1 custom domain and multiple pages to run against it. In this case, you just have to enter 1 CNAME record i.e. "yourdomain.com" and then host pages with a "/". This way, your URL structure will be:


Our system allows to edit URL after "/" once you have set up your custom domain.



Posts: 2

Post cERoeKOHaQVkaeeon: March 31, 2017, 10:33

Thanks for the support Lis. I’ve actually broken my pledge to give up chocolate for Lent once, when I was out for Mel’s birthday and unthinkingly tucked into a big bowl of chocolate ice cream. But that do;2es17nt count right?



Posts: 2

Post cERoeKOHaQVkaeeon: March 31, 2017, 10:33

Thanks for the support Lis. I’ve actually broken my pledge to give up chocolate for Lent once, when I was out for Mel’s birthday and unthinkingly tucked into a big bowl of chocolate ice cream. But that do;2es17nt count right?



Posts: 2

Post Re: URL structure with the CNAMEon: March 31, 2017, 10:36

N&olbuo;ruqsions pas que Chirac et Mitterrand eux aussi cumulaient retraite de député, de ministre et salaire de président. Et que dire de Jean-Marc Ayrault, 3 fonctions pour un salaire mensuel de 38 000€? (pour rééquilibrer les choses…)



Posts: 2

Post Re: URL structure with the CNAMEon: March 31, 2017, 10:36

N&olbuo;ruqsions pas que Chirac et Mitterrand eux aussi cumulaient retraite de député, de ministre et salaire de président. Et que dire de Jean-Marc Ayrault, 3 fonctions pour un salaire mensuel de 38 000€? (pour rééquilibrer les choses…)



Posts: 2

Post Re: URL structure with the CNAMEon: March 31, 2017, 11:02

Moicua,Minto triste, chorei muito e nao consigo mais parar de chorar com a historia da Luana.Sinto muito pela perda da sua cachorrinha tao linda que acompanhou seu blog por tantos anos.Eu tenho um cachorrinho agora e embora fosse a unica aqui em casa contra a presenca dele, hoje ja nao consigo imaginar nossa familia sem ele.Imagino a sua dor em ve-la partir.Muita forca para vc!Bjs



Posts: 2

Post Re: URL structure with the CNAMEon: March 31, 2017, 11:02

Moicua,Minto triste, chorei muito e nao consigo mais parar de chorar com a historia da Luana.Sinto muito pela perda da sua cachorrinha tao linda que acompanhou seu blog por tantos anos.Eu tenho um cachorrinho agora e embora fosse a unica aqui em casa contra a presenca dele, hoje ja nao consigo imaginar nossa familia sem ele.Imagino a sua dor em ve-la partir.Muita forca para vc!Bjs



Posts: 1

Post YXvoOzNLDkjrWYBOibon: April 4, 2017, 05:53

You have shed a ray of <a href="http://glayywiwrqz.com">sunhnise</a> into the forum. Thanks!



Posts: 1

Post Re: URL structure with the CNAMEon: April 4, 2017, 05:53

Your post has moved the debate <a href="http://ktchkrpzvs.com">fodwrar.</a> Thanks for sharing!

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